tig and add interactive
Tig is a textual GUI for git which lets you manipulate your git repo like GitX or SourceTree but without leaving your terminal.
In particular, you can “graphically” do git add --interactive
I find it easier to do my chunk surgery when I only want to apply parts of a file change.
The documentation is a bit terse so let me give you a rundown.
Navigate diffs
launch tig
# to see the status view
or j
# to select the file diff to look at
# to see changes in that file, this is the stage view, alternatively hit c
# to navigate up and down the file lines
Select specific chunks
(go down to a specific chunk)
# to select the whole chunk
# to delete/reset the whole chunk change (you must be on the chunk header line) ; caution this change will be gone forever
Select specific lines
(in a chunk on a specific line)
(one) to add the specific line to stage
and then y
to delete/reset the specific line ; caution this line will be gone forever
To undo the staging and remove the line, select the file in the changes to be committed
(one) to move the line back to the non-stage area
Other goodies
to refresh the diff changes in case you update the file in your editor and want a updated diff
You can delete/reset changes to a whole file by hitting !
and then y
in the status view.
Make sure to select the right file as the changes will be gone forever.